Disclaimer -


Third-Party Disclosure

We do not transfer information (PII) to outside parties in any manner unless it is done with advance notice, except website hosting partners and other parties who are involved in the operation of website or business to serve our users. This is executed with respect to law, site policies and to safeguard ours and others’ right, property, and PII.

Third-Party Links

We may sell or offer third party products or services. It can be an affiliate product or service. Third party sites have a separate and individual privacy policy. We will not be responsible for third-party linked site’s content and activities. We are intended to protect the integrity of our site and you can give feedback about these third-party sites.


We use Google Ads as per their advertising policy-https://support.google.com/adspolicy/answer/6008942?visit_id=1-636686219801031927-3547910468&rd=1

We use Google AdSense on our website. It is as per Google AdSense policies- https://policies.google.com/technologies/partner-sites.

If you have any query regarding privacy policy/disclaimer, contact

Tarannum Khan

