how to make Archives - Tarannum Khan
A Step by Step Blogging Guide on How to Start a Blog

A Step by Step Blogging Guide on How to Start a Blog

A puzzling question that often makes you curious to know “How to Start a Blog” and promote yourself as a brand. Don’t worry… Your Blogging Guide with complete analytics is here.   Blogging Guide-How to Start a Blog   I know you are serious about it… Let’s begin...
Google Ads – A Simple Step by Step Guide

Google Ads – A Simple Step by Step Guide

Are you ready to learn about Google Ads?   If yes, then need not to worry.  “Google Ads was formerly known as Google AdWords”    Why is Google Ads so important for marketers?   Yes, it is. This is a great way to showcase your products to the real audience...
Search Engine Optimization – A Step by Step SEO Guide

Search Engine Optimization – A Step by Step SEO Guide

Are you ready to learn Search Engine Optimization for free? If yes, here is your All in One Step by Step SEO Guide. This SEO GUIDE for beginners and progressive marketer has complete SEO basics, tools, on-page and off-page optimization techniques, Google algorithm...
Digital Marketing-Learn from Basics to Advance

Digital Marketing-Learn from Basics to Advance

Do you really want to learn digital marketing?   If yes, don’t worry, you are at the right place to learn Digital Marketing. I have made a simple Digital Marketing Guide for your marketing journey. Every marketer goes through the same phase during the initial period...
Facebook Ad Campaign: How to Create Your First Ad Campaign

Facebook Ad Campaign: How to Create Your First Ad Campaign

Do you want to create a Facebook ad campaign?    Or    Do you want to promote your business or brand? If yes, you are reading the right article where you will find the easiest way to learn how to create a Facebook ad campaign and promote it effectively. Once you have...